This May, your University of Alberta Students’ Union celebrates Asian Heritage Month. Asian students have been leaders and contributors in our community throughout the last century, and we are look...
‘I’m excited to get back to face-to-face learning, but only if it’s safe.’
- the average student
The racially-motivated murder of seven Asian women in Atlanta, Georgia has shown how devastating...
The University of Alberta Students’ Union strongly objects to the recent announcement that the University will not extend the Fall 2020 withdrawal deadline.
The UASU made it clear that extending ...
Whether you’re in your first or last year of your degree, it’s safe to say that we’re all trying to adapt to our new academic circumstances due to COVID-19 in one way or another. While many profess...
It is our mandate to advocate against unfair financial burdens being placed on students, while also finding ways to give back to students.
Recently, it was announced that almost all Fall 2020 clas...
Dear UAlberta students,
We will not be silent as crimes and injustice continue to be perpetrated. We fully stand with the Black Lives Matter movement, and condemn the racist violence, police bruta...
Stuff you should know
Most spring classes are now in session! Unlike the previous term, classes will be graded normally in addition to being delivered remotely. Check your eClass if you’re ...
Hello UAlberta,
We’ve been through a lot this past year. And even though it’s time for us to say goodbye, it’s not an easy thing to do. This past year has been both remarkable and challenging—and...
This content was sent out as a newsletter to undergraduate students at the University of Alberta on November 1, 2019, titled: "Special Edition - The budget is pretty spooky."
What the provincia...
Adam Brown is in his second year as Vice President External of the University of Alberta Students’ Union. He got candid to discuss what advocacy looks like at the UASU, and what ‘representing the s...