Now that school is back in full effect, we here at Student Group Services want to encourage as many students as possible to join a group! What better way to inspire students like you to get more involved than by hearing directly from your VP Student Life, Talia Dixon. Their job is to make sure students have a positive and inclusive campus experience. We had the amazing opportunity to sit down with Talia to talk about student involvement on campus, and we hope you are as inspired as we are.

Before starting as an Executive within the UASU, Talia was incredibly involved with different groups on campus. They started with the University of Alberta Debate society early in their degree where they made some amazing memories, including getting to travel internationally with great friends from the club! Beyond this, they worked their way up to being President of Igem, and were involved with Climate Justice Edmonton.

Talia credits Clubs Fair for giving them a better idea of what student groups are available on campus and allowing them to try so many things. Going in with a plan definitely helped them to limit the overwhelming feeling many students get when they first go to the Fair!

Talia strongly agrees with our message that students can benefit from being involved on campus. Before starting university, they were told this very crucial piece of advice: “Get involved with everything you can in your first year and really focus on building community. This is when your courses are easiest and it can be really formative.” Which is something they took seriously, as Talia was used to living in a much smaller community.

Talia also highlighted the importance of joining groups as a way to give yourself a break from school, saying that they can act as a reminder that school isn’t everything. As easy as it is to feel like you have to devote all of your time and energy to your school work, that isn’t always the most sustainable way to get through university. Joining clubs provides a great break in your day and can be an amazing stress reliever during midterms and finals!

Lastly, when asked what advice they have for students this year Talia said, “Think about one big thing you want to get out of your university experience. Some people are really academically focused and there are definitely clubs that will let you do that!” Beyond this, they stressed the importance of trying silly and exciting things that might be out of your comfort zone. You might surprise yourself with what interests you.

If you’re interested in getting more involved on campus, we have great news. Fall Clubs Fair may be over, but you can still see the list of more than 450 clubs on BearsDen! Reach out, learn more about how they operate, and start connecting with your campus community today . Being involved on campus can truly elevate your campus experience, so don’t miss out!