As I write this post, I am nearing the finish line of my five-year bachelor’s degree in psychology. When I reflect upon my undergraduate years, I feel truly amazed at my progress in stepping out of...
Most of us are taught from an early age to treat other people with kindness. Growing up, I was expected to consider others' needs, help out, and offer words of encouragement when someone was experi...
Imagine this. You are sitting in your class. You are anxiously waiting for the TA to bring your marked midterm to you. You see the mark out of 29. Frantically, you grab your phone and find out your...
Whether you join a student group, find a campus job or start volunteering, there are plenty of ways to build your resume and your skills in your time as an undergrad. But did you know that your UAS...
Whether you’re looking to build skills, try new things, make friends, or just fill your time this year, we wrote this guide to show you how easy it is to get involved. There are many different ways...
Your UASU Execs have been working hard this fall to advocate for more affordability for students, and more access to services for our campus community. From advocating for a better financial aid pr...
Daily Grind is a UASU-owned and operated coffee shop located in the SUB main floor food court. Here you’ll find latte specials, steeped tea, drip coffee, and delicious baked goods at student-friend...
Our lives are made up of chapters. Every chapter involves new experiences, relationships, breakthroughs, and challenges. The prospect of entering a new stage or chapter of life can be intimidating....
There are so many factors that can affect your mental health, like school stress, food insecurity, financial strain, relationships, personal safety, and more. In this guide, we’ve rounded up some o...
+++ New route expands service with affordable and convenient travel for over 50,000 students and local residents
Flix North America Inc., the parent company of FlixBus and Greyhound, in partnershi...