Daily Grind is a UASU-owned and operated coffee shop located in the SUB main floor food court. Here you’ll find latte specials, steeped tea, drip coffee, and delicious baked goods at student-friendly prices. Being owned and operated by the Students’ Union means that money spent here goes right back into funding important student services (like the Peer Support Centre or InfoLink) and projects that are here to help you have a great year.

But did you also know that the Daily Grind has earned the University of Alberta’s Green Spaces Gold certification for sustainable practices? That means that the Daily Grind incorporates the three pillars of sustainability (economic, environmental, and social) in their day-to-day business.

So what exactly are they doing at the Daily Grind to be Green Spaces Gold certified? Here are a few ways they incorporate sustainable practices every day.

Locally roasted, fair trade coffee

From Fairtrade Canada’s website, something that is fair trade certified means that the farmers and workers involved in producing the goods are paid fairly, have stable income even when the market fluctuates, and experience decent working conditions. By receiving fair payment for their goods, these producers are also able to reinvest in their communities and continuously improve their sustainable operations. That means neither the workers nor the environment were exploited for your morning cup of dark roast.

By using locally roasted beans, the Daily Grind supports business in our community instead of a large chain. By shopping local, the Daily Grind can also offer you fresher, better quality coffee than what you would likely find from a chain.

Environmentally-friendly containers 

Whether you’re ordering a hot chocolate or a cold brew coffee, your Daily Grind beverage comes in sustainable packaging! The coffee cups and sleeves, the clear cups and lids, and the paper bags for fresh pastries are all compostable. That means they are made of non-toxic materials that can disintegrate into natural elements in a compost environment at a rate consistent with similar organic materials.

You can easily help reduce landfill waste by sorting compostable Daily Grind packaging into the organics bin in the SUB main floor food court. Compostable materials make up about 20% of the waste in landfills, and take longer to break down in a landfill’s anaerobic conditions. 

Savings for the eco-conscious   

Dust off that reusable mug and bring it with you the next time you come to SUB. The Daily Grind offers 25 cent discounts on drinks when you bring your travel mug! That’s more money in your pocket, and less waste in the landfill. How much will you save during those long study sessions for exams?

So if saving money and the environment sounds like a good deal to you, then make sure you stop by the Daily Grind for your next caffeine fix. Daily Grind is open Monday to Friday, 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM, and Saturday/Sunday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.