What is the built environment? It’s anything or anywhere that has been created for humans, by humans, and for human activity. This includes buildings, homes, roads, parks, businesses, etc. Historically, people would build these places for themselves, and were able to create them to suit their individual needs. In more recent history, these things are built for us by others, and we generally don’t have any input in how they are constructed or what they contain.

The reason this is so critically important is because our built environments shape us in both conscious and unconscious ways:

The environments we inhabit and build can make us and our children healthy or sick. They can make us and the people we love smart or dumb. Serene or despondent. Motivated or apathetic. What’s more, it’s their design that is in large measure responsible for these effects. A well-designed, properly constructed environment affects and supports our health, cognitions, and social relations. It meaningfully conveys to each of us that our human presence, not just our productive labor, credit card, or mortgage check, is valued. So how our buildings and landscapes and urban spaces are configured is not and cannot be only a matter of personal taste.

-Sarah Williams Goldhagen, Welcome to Your World: How the Built Environment Shapes Our Lives

It is this concept of meaningfully designing our space that we are focusing on here at the Students’ Union. We recognize that student health is important, and we are viewing it from a holistic perspective: physical, mental, emotional, and social health. This Fall, we are exploring design ideas for the main floor of SUB, and looking at ways that we can support student learning, socialization, and restorative practices. We will be evaluating various aspects of our spaces including lighting, accessibility, wayfinding, space usage and zoning, and ergonomics and comfort.

You can help by testing some new furniture options for the UASU and telling us what you think! We will have 12 new furniture pieces for you to test in the Living Room of SUB (1st floor, fireplace area). Some of these pieces include mechanisms for motion, some will accommodate a variety of sizes and body types, while others may enhance study or sleep activities. We want your help to determing which of these furniture pieces (or qualities of them) better meet your needs as you use the Students’ Union Building.

In addition to testing the furniture piece itself, we are also testing a variety of fabrics and vinyls in order to determine which will best work for our spaces. We want to utilize fabrics that are highly durable and cleanable, to ensure they will stay in good condition for years to come. But we also want to provide a comfortable and home-like environment where students feel able to relax and destress. Materiality, ergonomics, and tactility all play a large role in that process. Natural materials such as woods, leathers and wools all evoke a sense of comfort, as do natural patterns and colors. We are looking to incorporate these principles into our future designs and selections.

So next time you’re in SUB, head over to the main floor common area to take our furniture for a spin and claim some Perks points. You’ll get a follow up Perks survey where you can give us feedback on the furniture for additional points. Help shape your future built environment in SUB.