Students, staff, and faculty at the University of Alberta stand together in opposition to the budget recently passed by the University of Alberta Board of Governors. Senior administration assumed no increases to the Campus Alberta Grant or backfill funding when deciding to cut all units by 4% while increasing student costs. These assumptions were incorrect as the Government of Alberta made a 2% increase to the Campus Alberta Grant and has allocated $17 million in backfill funding. In order for the University of Alberta to fulfill its mandate in For The Public Good, education must remain affordable. Given the increased costs for students, accessible education is becoming less of a reality. Similarly, our entire campus community is negatively impacted when academic and non-academic staff are put under budgetary pressure, as these individuals make education at the University possible. We call on the Government of Alberta to keep investing in the University of Alberta in order to maintain an excellent standard of education. United, students, staff, and faculty advocate that the University of Alberta senior administration and Board of Governors re-examine the passed budget and reduce projections for the cost increases and budget cuts in following years.


Marina Banister, President
University of Alberta Students’ Union

Babak Soltannia, President
Graduate Students’ Association

Dr. Heather Bruce, President
Association of Academic Staff University of Alberta

Elizabeth Johannson, President
Non-Academic Staff Association


Richard Kanyo, President
Post Doctoral Fellows Association