With classes ending on December 8, exam season just around the corner. While studying for finals and writing papers can make December a hectic and stressful time of year, there's plenty of resources on campus that can help you boost your GPA.
Get a sneak peak at your exams with the Exam Registry
While it might seem like cheating to get an advanced preview of your exams, the Students' Union's Exam Registry allows you to do just that by looking up previous exams in the same course. Having a preview of your exam's structure and what types of questions will be on it can be a huge help when you're studying. If you can't find your course in the exam registry, ask your professor where you can get a copy of previous exams – in most classes, profs are required to make past or sample exams available for students.
Spend less time commuting and more time studying
Planning a late night of studying, or have an early morning exam? Check out the University of Alberta's new Commuter Study Hostel in Schäffer Hall and skip the commute between home and school to maximize your study time. For $35 per night, you can stay in a cozy room with a work desk for studying, just minutes from most of campus. Students can stay for up to three nights in a row and up to nine nights per month.
Get personalized help
If you need a little professional help studying, there are numerous resources on campus to help connect you with resources. You can check the Students' Union Tutor Registry to find a tutor for your class or an editor for an upcoming paper. Alternatively, the Student Success Centre offers 45-minute consulations for students on a variety of subjects, including studying, exam prepartion, time management and more. Succes Centre appointments are $25 per session or $60 for three sessions for students.
Overwhelmed? Don't forget to relax
Between finals and other end-of-semester deadlines, December can be a stressful month for many students. Fortunately, there's a ton of free campus resources and programs to help you relax and manage your stress. You can make an appointment at the Peer Support Centre for one-on-one supportive listening to work through your exam anxiety. Need a furry friend? Meet with some amazing canine counsellors at the University of Alberta Libraries' Dogs in the Library program. Or attend one of Counselling & Clinical Service's free drop-in yoga workshops, which run throughout the exam period.