Welcome back to the University of Alberta! Over the course of the summer, the SU executive team and I have been hard at work preparing for the year and working to execute our mandates. Over the last four months, my largest projects were refreshing Room at the Top, reinventing the SU’s approach to student group partnerships at our venues, working on the Myer Horowitz Theatre Renovation Project and planning SUB’s 50th anniversary. I worked on numerous other items, but consider the following overview a highlight reel, and check out my reports to Students’ Council here for more projects!

Room at the Top facelift

If you haven’t been to Room at the Top yet, do it! Over the summer, we made some exciting improvements to the space. These include brand new furniture (booths!), bathrooms finished last year, repainting, a beautiful student mural, and outlets around the entire room, perfect for studying! Keep coming back, because we still have new lighting and more painting to do! If you see me up there, come say “Great report, Robyn,” show me this, and I’ll buy you a beverage of your choice.

Student group partnerships

One of my major campaign points, and something that the SU has been missing for a long time, is effective partnerships with student groups at our venues, specifically the bars Room at the Top and Dewey’s. This summer, our team worked hard to organize an extensive Student Group support program. Hosting events at either bar is free, and we can also help you print your membership cards, host a fundraiser BBQ, or print your promotional posters, among other perks. These perks can be free of charge for your club, all you have to do is host your events at Room at the Top or Dewey’s! Be sure to reach out to take advantage of these valuable incentives to make your Student Group’s events the best possible.

Myer Horowitz Theatre renovation project

This summer, our team worked extensively on the Myer Horowitz Theatre (MHT) Renovation Project. Thanks to their hard work, we are happy to say that the design process is ready to move to consultation. Once we reached that stage, the rest of the summer was spent planning our extensive student consultation plan. Look out during the Fall and Winter semesters for street teams, booths, class talks, videos and other opportunities to have your say in what the MHT should look like.

SUB 50

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Students’ Union Building (SUB). SUB is special at the U of A, it is the only truly interdisciplinary building on campus, and the only building owned and operated by students. It’s not only unique, it’s also one of the busiest buildings on campus! This year, we have an impressive line-up of events and programming to celebrate this milestone. Stay tuned to all SU channels to hear about the programs, and check a few out. I promise, they’ll be fun and affordable.